A. Upon termination of employment, to which of the following benefits was the employee entitled under your pension plan?
Underwritten by Government Annuities Contract Branch
B. If the benefit was a type described in 3A (a), (b) or (c):
C. If any portion of the benefit remains or will remain to the employee's credit after payment described in 3A(a), (b) or (c), please complete table below and indicate reason (ex. non-transferable, etc).
D. Was any service subject to a pension division as a result of a marriage breakdown?
E. Police Officer Service: For the purposes of the
RCMPSA, a police officer is defined as any Canadian citizen, who has graduated from a recognized Canadian police training institution, has acquired Canadian police experience and who has preserved and maintained public safety.
As per the definition stated above, would any service qualify as service as a police officer?