Ending your employment: Royal Canadian Mounted Police pension

If you are thinking about leaving the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the following questions and answers will help you understand your pension options and eligibility rules under your insurance benefit plans.

You may want to know…

Can you increase your pensionable service and/or service in the force prior to terminating employment?

If you have eligible periods of prior service, you may be able to buy it back or transfer it from another plan to increase your pension. Any service buybacks or transfers by way of a Pension transfer agreement have to be made before you leave the RCMP. Depending on the type of service, there are various conditions that must be met. You should also consider the income tax implications before making a decision. Please contact the Government of Canada Pension Centre to obtain additional information.

If you have an existing service buyback that is not fully paid, you'll have to make arrangements to pay for the remaining portion. If you are entitled to a pension, deductions will continue and will be deducted from your pension payment. For more information, please refer to the Service buyback package.

What happens if you haven't finished paying your pension contributions for your period of leave without pay when you terminate employment?

If you are entitled to a Transfer Value, any leave without pay contributions still owing will be automatically deducted from your transfer value amount. If you are entitled to a pension, deductions will continue and will be taken from your pension payment. Information on payment options for these contributions can be found in the Pension Entitlement Information Package.

Any insurance benefit premiums or contributions still owing for a period of leave without pay also have to be paid when you retire.

What are your pension options upon leaving the Royal Canadian Mounted Police?

Your options vary depending on your years of service in the force, pensionable service, surrender protection service, your age when you cease to be employed, and your reason for leaving.

If you are leaving voluntarily and have at least two years of service in the force, you may be entitled to one or more of the following options:

Generally speaking, if you have less than two years of service in the force, you're entitled to some combination of:

More detailed information on the termination of employment process, required forms and impact on insurance benefits can be found in the Pension Entitlement Information Package or you can contact the Government of Canada Pension Centre.

What are your options if you accept an employment opportunity outside of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police?

If you become employed outside of the RCMP, you may be eligible to transfer all or part of your accrued pensionable service to another pension plan by way of a Pension transfer agreement regardless of the number of years of pensionable service. You can also leave your benefit with the RCMP Pension Plan. Additional information can be found by consulting the Pension transfer agreements Package or you can contact the Government of Canada Pension Centre.

What are your options if you accept an employment opportunity with the Canadian Forces or the Public Service?

If you become employed with the Canadian Forces or the Public Service you may be eligible to transfer your accrued pensionable service from the RCMP Pension Plan. Additional information can be found by consulting the Service buyback package.

How do you determine the value of your pension options?

Begin by looking at your most recent personal Pension Benefits Statement, as it provides you with a summary of your entitlements and their approximate value.

How do you choose a pension benefit option?

To choose your option, you must complete the Pension Benefit Options Statement. When you've chosen a termination date, contact the Government of Canada Pension Centre and you'll be provided with a personalized Pension Benefit Options Statement outlining your pension choices.

More detailed information on the termination of employment process, required forms and impact on insurance benefits can be obtained by contacting the Government of Canada Pension Centre.

Who should you notify once you've chosen your termination date?

You should contact RCMP National Pay Operations at 1-866-729-7293 for any pay related discharge questions and the Pension Centre for any pension related discharge questions. You must notify your commanding officer / supervisor once you've chosen your retirement date. This should be done at least four months in advance of your retirement date.

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